Major Depressive Disorder or “Depression”

Did you know that more than 1/10 people will experience depression at some point in their lives? Additionally, over 40% of those who have experienced an episode of depression, will relapse in 2 years. If you have been feeling down, no fear, we detailed a guide below to help you navigate your condition.

What is major depressive disorder?

Life is unpredictable; it’s filled with joy, hardships, rewards, and challenges. Sometimes, things don’t go our way; sometimes, we feel down as a result. But, generally this is only short-lived. Yet for some of us, these feelings persist for longer than 2 weeks. If this is you, you may have major depressive disorder.

Why does it happen?

Our bodies are regulated by a complex network of chemicals called “neurotransmitters” that help transport information from our brain to the rest of our organs. These chemicals control everything from our mood to our sleep to even our digestion. When there is an imbalance of these chemicals, we may become “depressed.”

If you ever wondered why when you feel down, you also experience other symptoms like upset stomach, these neurotransmitters are the reason.

How do I know if I have major depressive disorder?

Below are the most common symptoms of major depressive disorder.

  1. A depressed mood or general feeling of sadness
  2. Difficulty with sleeping, or sleeping too much
  3. Reduced interest or loss of pleasure in things you used to enjoy
  4. Guilt over how you feel
  5. Lack of energy
  6. Difficulty with concentration
  7. Having too much or too little appetite
  8. Body feels heavy or agitated
  9. Thought of harming yourself


If you have multiple symptoms listed above for greater than 2 weeks, you may have major depressive disorder. 

How do I treat major depressive disorder?

This is the tricky part. Treatment requires a combination of medications and/or therapy. There are several classes of medications, each with their own mechanisms of action and side effects. There is no single best drug for everyone. Rather, treatment is best tailored to each individual.

What are the next steps?

This is where Zhu Family Medicine comes in. We are a Houston based, primary care practice, located 5 minutes from the Galleria. Let us work together to craft a custom plan to optimize your mental health and get your life back on track!